Visa seminars 2023 were held


30.10., 31.10.,9.11.2023

Brno, Ostrava, Praha

At the turn of October and November 2023, Visa Seminars were held in Prague, Brno and Ostrava, organized by CzechInvest in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the Association for Foreign Investment - AFI and its members - Deloitte and Brož Brož Vala.

The main topic of this year's event was the news in economic migration programmes. Zuzana Habartová and Gabriela Bauerová from CzechInvest introduced the audience to the government visa programmes, with the fourth programme, Digital Nomad, newly opened alongside the Skilled Employee, Key and Scientific Personnel and Highly Skilled Employee programmes. Increasing quotas for selected countries was also presented, which could partially help the tight labour market.

Representatives of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior made a presentation on changes in legislation concerning immigration of workers from third countries. The situation of Ukrainian citizens was also highlighted.

At the seminar, representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs also presented the EURES+3Z Up! programme, which was launched at the beginning of 2023.

The seminar also focused on current information and recommendations in the field of employment of foreigners, where members of AFI - Deloitte and Brož Brož Vala presented their practical experience.

The seminars were highly attended and, according to the positive reactions, met the information expectations of the participants.

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