Online discussion on the discussed Amendment to the New Building Act with Mrs Marcela Pavlová


November 11, 2020


On Wednesday, 11 November 2020 another Stammtisch meeting took place, this time in an unusual form. As a result of the COVID-19 situation, we were required to move the traditional personal meeting of the leading representatives of our member companies, partners, honorable members of the AFI, the CzechInvest agency, and the state sector to an online platform.

This time, the guest was the Deputy Minister of the Construction and Public Investment Section, Mrs Marcela Pavlová. She explained where will the fundamental changes in the prepared Amendment to the Building Act, whose primary goal is to simplify and fasten the overall process, lie.

One of the key changes is the reform of building administration, which will newly be excluded from the current model. A new body of building authorities on various levels of municipalities will be created and chaired by the Supreme Building Authority. The digitalization of all processes is a crucial change, while at the same time a condition for an efficient operation of the system. Via the Builder’s portal (Portál stavebníka) that is currently under construction, nearly the whole administrative procedure will be possible to be run digitally, including documentation submission in the electronic form and communication with all relevant bodies. The appeal principle in appeal procedures will be instituted, which enables the Appellate body to reject an appeal should it be submitted, and to confirm or amend its decision.

On 1 January 2021, the Amendment to the so called Line Law (Act no. 403/2020 Sb.) whose part is also the Amendment to the Building Act, will be implemented. Related to that, the fiction of binding opinion of the respective authority is coming to effect, i.e. unless the respective authority does not issue any opinion in 30 days, or 60 days in complicated cased, it is assumed that it has no stipulations to the given documentation.

On 5 November, a first reading of the New Building Act eventuated, within which the law has been ordered to be discussed within three Committees; the Economic Committee, the Public Administration Committee, and the Regional Development Committee were designated. Within the first reading, a 100-days extension period for discussion within the Committees was approved.

On 18 November, the Economic Committee will be discussing the New Building Act. The proceeding will not be open to public.

The scheduled date of the Amendment coming to full effect has been set to 1 July 2023, for it to be there a sufficient time for preparations and establishing the digital system of building permits. The law will be coming to effect gradually where possible.


We would like to hereby express our thanks to Deputy Minister Pavlová for her opening words and the following discussion and to all who participated in the seminar.

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