Investment seminar in Kyoto for companies from the semiconductor industry


22. 5. 2024


On 22 May 2024, the CzechInvest foreign office organised an investment seminar for Japanese semiconductor manufacturers, their supply chains and service centres in Kyoto, Japan. AFI partner Česká spořitelna/Erste and AFI member Deloitte spoke at the event. 

The meeting was opened by H.E. Martin Klučar, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan. Representatives of the CzechInvest agency presented the Czech Republic as an attractive location with investment and business potential in the field of strategic technologies and informed about government incentives specifically aimed at foreign investors, including those from Japan. Zuzana Kostiviarová from Deloitte focused on the HR topic, where she talked about trends in the labour market and the legal environment in the Czech Republic from the perspective of employees. About the economic situation and possibilities of financing investments in the Czech Republic spoke Paul G. Bosbach from Erste (Česká spořitelna).

We believe that the seminar will attract the attention of Japanese investors to the Czech Republic and encourage the arrival of not only chip manufacturers and downstream suppliers, but also the development of service centres.

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