
IBS - International Business Support is a professional relocation company and since its establishment in 1995 we have built a reputation as a strong and reliable partner for many leading international companies relocating their employees to the Czech Republic. We provide complete immigration and relocation support. Recognizing that relocating to a foreign country brings professional and personal challenges, we provide assistance throughout the process to ensure a smooth and positive experience. IBS is proud to be a full member of the European Relocation Association (EuRA) and the Association of Immigration Consultants of the Czech Republic (AIMMIA) and all services are provided in accordance with their Code of Ethics.

Services offered:

  • Immigration and visa agenda and consultancy
  • Relocation services, including Preview visits, Settling In, Home Search
Malostranské náměstí 37/23
118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Relocation/Destination Services Team
130 00 Prague 3
Immigration Team
Kaiserštejnský palác
118 00 Prague 1 – Malá Strana
Main contact person:
Michaela Šimůnková Vodňanská
M: +420 777 747 359

Services provided

  • Relocation
  • Visa / Labour permits


Thales DIS Czech Republic s.r.o.

OTIS a.s.

Česká spořitelna a.s.

Epiroc Czech Republic s.r.o.

CTP Invest spol. s r.o.

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