
Grant Thornton Audit s.r.o. is one of the companies of Grant Thornton Group in the Czech Republic. Grant Thornton Group provides services in areas of audit, taxes, accounting and payroll, valuation, legal advisory and business consulting.

Grant Thornton offers to clients comprehensive services at a high professional level. We perceive the wishes and needs of our clients and therefore our services are always tailored to the client. We are a reliable partner to whom our clients can always turn with confidence.

Grant Thornton Group employs more than 450 professionals in offices in Praha, Brno and Ostrava.

General contact information

Grant Thornton Audit s.r.o.
Budova Parkview
Pujmanové 1753/10a
140 00 Praha 4

Telefon: +420 296 152 111

The main contact persons in the Czech Republic

Milan Pašek
Audit Partner


Services provided

  • M&A / Investment opportunities
  • Accounting
  • Auditing


  • Grant Thornton Audit s.r.o. provides services to large as well as small companies from various industries, public institutions as well as non-profit organizations.
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