Energetics working group

Working groups


Yesterday, members of the Energetics working group met at the premises of the Association for Foreign Investment - AFI.

First, Martin Dittrich, who heads this working group, informed the participants about the current development of the Dukovany nuclear tender. He summarized the current status of the tender, what the next steps will be and what are the most frequently discussed topics in connection with this tender. 
Then Jakub Tobola, Sales Director of VEOLIA CZECH REPUBLIC, who represents the energy division at Veolia, took the floor. In his engaging presentation Jakub introduced the Veolia Group and its 3 business lines - water, energy and waste. We were very interested in the group's ecological transformation project. It focuses on decarbonisation of thermal power plants and reduction of emissions. The project, which is expected to cost up to CZK 20 billion, is already delivering first successful results and aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% in the near future. By the way, did you know that Veolia has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1991 and currently has almost 8,000 employees here?
In the discussion that followed, the topic of the new building law, for example, was raised, a challenge that most of our members and partners will face. 

We thank all participants and look forward to seeing what interesting topics the next meeting will bring.

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