Cyber Security and NIS2


12. 6. 2024

Prague Airport

On Wednesday June 12, 204, Association for Foreign Investment - AFI in cooperation with Prague Airport, seminar partner - Grant Thornton - and CzechInvest agency organized a seminar on cyber security and NIS2. Eighty participants gathered in the Congress Hall at Prague Airport to listen to presentations focused on current trends in the field of cyber security.

Ondřej Votruba, Executive Director of the Association for Foreign Investment, not only kicked off the seminar, but also acted as a moderator for the whole afternoon. Pavel Východský, a member of the Board of Directors of Prague Airport, revealed to the participants what cyber security looks like in airport infrastructure. Guests were also welcomed by Zbyněk Bolcek, Partner at Grant Thornton, whom we thank for sponsoring the seminar. 

In the second session, Kamil Blažek introduced the guests to the Association for Foreign Investment. Gabriela Bauerová, Director of the Division of Investment and Foreign Activities, and Tereza Huczalová, Senior Project Manager of AfterCare, revealed how the CzechInvest approaches the topic of cybersecurity. They pointed out, for example, the successful participation of the Czech Republic in the largest international cyber security exercise in the world, Lock Shields 2024.  

Zdeněk Grmela, Director of T-Business Cyber Security at T-Mobile, described 5 current trends and challenges in security. He was followed by Jakub Šebek, Head of Technology at Grant Thornton, who focused in detail on the European Network and Information Security Directive NIS2. Finally, Petr Zahálka, Sales Director at Thein Security, followed with a presentation on How to use modern approaches in cyber security to help you meet the NIS2 requirement.
Many thanks to all the co-organisers, speakers and participants for a great and information-packed seminar. 

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