AFI Plenary Session June 2024

Plenary session

17. 6. 2024


On Monday 17 June 2024, the Plenary Meeting of the members of the Association for Foreign Investment - AFI took place. This time it was held in the premises of the law firm Kinstellar, which we thank very much for the facilities. 

The Plenary Session was conducted by Kamil Blažek, Chairman of the AFI Steering Committee, and Ondřej Votruba, AFI Executive Director. They informed the participants about the new developments that have taken place in our association since the beginning of this year, summarized the organized and upcoming planned events, recapitulated the media outputs and above all showed the trend of the number of inquiries that we have had the opportunity to process and deliver to our members since the beginning of this year. 

The plenary session was also attended by the Director General of the CzechInvest agency Jan Michal, who pointed out the projects and activities of the agency and mentioned, for example, the Invest in Czechia or projects. The agenda also included the approval of the financial statements for 2023, discussion of changes to the statutes and consideration of applications from 2 new applicants for membership. All items were approved by the assembly. 

We welcome two newcomers to the AFI membership: the executive search firm Stanton Chase and the IT staffing and recruiting firm Titans. This brings AFI's membership to 45.

At the end, the heads of the working groups - Gabriela Hrbáčková for HR, Jan Lehký for the construction sector, Martin Dittrich for the energy sector and Jan Linhart for the working group on investment incentives - presented their activities and plans for the coming months. 

We look forward to further cooperation in the second half of the year!

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