About Association for Foreign Investment

Association for Foreign Investment

Association for Foreign Investment (AFI) is an organisation whose purpose is to provide comprehensive support for investments and investors in the Czech Republic. The AFI was established in 1996 at the instigation of the Czech government (Ministry of Industry and Trade and CzechInvest) as a platform for cooperation between the public and private sectors with the objective of continuously improving the Czech investment environment, the conditions for investors, legislation, communication and exchange of information. Our mission is also to bring new foreign investors to the Czech Republic and to promote the Czech Republic as a country that is ideal for new investments and business.  

The AFI is currently composed of nearly forty companies that support premium investments and have a long history in the area of assisting all types of investors newly entering the Czech market. Our members comprise a selection of the best international and purely Czech companies whose aim is to support investments and investors – from legal and tax consultants, personnel consultants, architects, project managers, to real estate consultants, construction and development companies.

One of our most important roles is to be the first point of contact and to provide assistance with navigation and decision-making processes for every kind of incoming foreign business. The AFI also has extensive experience with project management, selection of local partners and mediation of contacts between the business and public spheres. Another major task consists in helping Czech investors expand on the local market and abroad. 

The AFI provides its services to investors free of charge. The aim is for the Czech Republic and our members and partners to benefit.

We respond to new challenges – from the EU accession and the 2008 economic crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021 – that constantly confront us and our “clients” from the ranks of investors, from the biggest global brands to medium-sized Czech companies with Czech owners. 


"We support investors and investments in the Czech Republic."



  1. Promote the Czech Republic as a country that is ideal for new investments and business.
  2. Defend the interests of foreign investors in the Czech Republic.
  3. Develop, influence and cultivate the investment environment in the Czech Republic.
  4. Be a platform for cooperation between the private and public sectors.
  5. Associate top-level consulting firms.


  1. Raise awareness of the AFI in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  2. Become a single, unified contact point for investors in the Czech Republic.
  3. Be a business platform for the member and partner base and for the broadest circle of foreign investors in the Czech Republic.
  4. Be a respected partner of the public administration and thus increase our ability to influence and promote issues in the public sector.
  5. Be a platform that mediates business opportunities for its members, partners and other interested parties, while bringing them valuable information for their business and providing networking opportunities both within and outside of the AFI.
  6. Actively seek out business opportunities (foreign investments/demand for services) for AFI members and actively present the AFI so that opportunities come to them.

Full strategy available  here.

We are here for you


Ondřej Votruba

Executive Director

+420 606 022 536


Kateřina Moravcová

Event Manager

+420 732 135 284


Stanislava Šremrová

PR Manager

+420 777 075 050


Barbara Huczalová

Executive Assistant

+420 725 379 969


Šárka Knoblochová

Project Manager

+420 605 122 169


Natálie Baladová


+420 734 734 832


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